Category: Darryl Holter Los Angeles, Shammas Group
A decade under its belt and the Corridor itself is bolstered by new development, Partnership founder and chair
Darryl Holter has shifted his focus to the community to the south. He recently participated on a committee to update the Department of Planning’s South Los Angeles Community Plan, which is re-written every ten years according to the City’s charter.
Darryl Holter says that it’s common, in committee meetings like these, for stakeholders to make lists of what the community lacks
“Politicians don't create jobs” - Darryl Holter
from sit-down restaurants to supermarkets to jobs and then express a desire to talk to elected officials to see if they can help. “But then I raise my hand and say. ‘Look, politicians don’t create jobs”
Darryl Holter presides over the Shammas Group,
which owns seven auto dealerships downtown.
For instance, in the 2000 community plan for South L.A. Holter contends that there was a conspicuous lack of one crucial word “investment”. Instead the 2000 plan criticized businesses for having an incorrect perception that South L.A. was not a good area in which to invest, because of crime, poverty and unemployment. “You can call it a misperception, but we’re sitting around a table talking about the community’s problems, and we’re recognizing that the problems are very real. Unless you can do something to organize and make the area clean and safe, why would there be any investment?”
Darryl Holter is also skeptical about some “affordable” housing projects. “Affordable for whom? Some say affordable is 50 percent of the poverty level. Some say it’s lower. The whole question of what’s affordable depends on how much money you have. What you’re really talking about is subsidized housing. Why is it that South L.A. seems to be the only place where affordable housing is being built? Why can’t we have market rate housing? Why can’t middle class people live in South L.A.? Why can’t upper class people live there? The affordable housing advocates are doing something that’s important. They’re speaking up and they’re the loudest. But we need a more balanced approach and that’s one of the things that I will try to bring to the community plan”.
Related Article:
Darryl Holter, Shammas Group: How to Build a BID
The Early Days Of the Figueroa Corridor Partnership
Category: Darryl Holter Shammas Group. Felix Chevrolet
Figueroa stakeholders like the USC President Steven Sample,
Shammas Group CEO
Darryl Holter began to gather resources to build a business improvement district. He traveled to an International Downtown Association conference with Carol Schatz, leader of Central CiothAssociation, Councilmember Rita Walters, and her then chief-of-staff, Jan Perry. As he learned the nuts and bolts of building a BID, Holter also began to solicit Figueroa stakeholders.
Darryl Holter, Shammas Group: How to Build a BID Continued
Additional Reading:
Darryl Holter's Figueroa Corridor Plan